Lessons From The Story Of Cornelius

by Tammy Iund Woodard

I had an “aha” moment when I read the story of Cornelius again in Acts 10.

Here are the lessons to be learned from this story:

  • God is always talking.  If we listen, we will hear from God.

  • God’s children are GOD’s children.  “Don’t judge a book by its cover.”  

  • God will go before you when He sends you.

  • We co-labor with God for the sharing of the gospel.

  • God’s perspective is always on eternity.

God was speaking and Cornelius was listening.  I think of it like a radio station.  I can listen to music on 93.7.  If I change the station to 104.5, 93.7 doesn’t go away.  I no longer hear it, but it’s still there.  Are you tuned into the God frequency? 

Cornelius was a Gentile.  The Jews didn’t consider him a child of God.  Yet, the bible is really clear about God’s opinion of Cornelius. Peter needed to understand that God had children as Jews and Gentiles.  Peter needed a heart change.  

Even though Cornelius was a Gentile, and Peter was a Jew, Cornelius was a Person of Peace for Peter.  Luke 10:6, “If someone who promotes peace is there, your peace will rest on them; if not, it will return to you.”  God also prepared the way. God went to Cornelius and to Peter before sending them to each other. If God sends you, He will equip you, qualify you and prepare the way for you.

Acts 10:2-3, “He was a devout, God-fearing man, as was everyone in his household. He gave generously to the poor and prayed regularly to God. One afternoon about three o’clock, he had a vision in which he saw an angel of God coming toward him. “Cornelius!” the angel said.”  Acts 10:19-20, “Meanwhile, as Peter was puzzling over the vision, the Holy Spirit said to him, “Three men have come looking for you. Get up, go downstairs, and go with them without hesitation. Don’t worry, for I have sent them.

An angel of the Lord came to Cornelius, so why did God need Peter to go to Cornelius? Do you see the co-laboring?  1 Corinthians 3:9, “For we are both God’s workers. And you are God’s field. You are God’s building.”  By God co-laboring both men were touched and changed.

God could have delivered the message directly to Cornelius.  He was already speaking to him through the angel.  But God chose to send Peter.  He had a purpose for Peter and for Cornelius.  Do you also see that while Cornelius was waiting for Peter to arrive, he gathered his family?  If God came to Cornelius, He would have reached Cornelius.  By sending Peter, Cornelius’ sphere of influence received the message.  God’s purpose is ALWAYS on eternity.  God’s purpose is always about spreading the gospel/the good news.  The message was for more than Cornelius.

 So, from this storyteller, we understand that God is always talking.  What are you doing to position yourself to hear from Him? God has children and people of peace everywhere.  Do you make pre-judgements about people?  I know sometimes I do.  Are you going to who God is sending you to?  Do you trust that God is going before you?  Do you trust that God is preparing the way?  We are all storytellers.  We have a God story to share.  We have a sphere of influence.  We co-labor with God to spread the good news of the gospel.  Who will you tell your God story to this week?

Call to Action and Reflection for the Week:

  • Read through Acts 10

  • Look up and read each scripture in the blog

  • Spend time in prayer with God

  • What do you hear God saying?

  • Write down what you hear God saying?

  • How are you going to respond to what God is saying?

  • Write down your response.

  • If you never have, write down your God story.

  • Pray over your God story and ask God who He would have you share it with this week.

    Write down any answer (names, instructions) that God gives you in response to that question.

Danielle Kays

I love helping businesses and individuals make their vision come to life - whether it’s simply breathing new life in existing websites or creating new content. Let me help you take your project to new heights!


Jesus —Born For Connection

