A Season of Tests

by Tammy Iund Woodard

Before you read this blog, take some time to read Genesis 37 - 50, to fully understand the story of Joseph.  What is your favorite season?  Joseph had many seasons in his life.  Each one seems to build upon the last.  I love the story of Joseph.  I feel like so many people can relate to all he endured in his lifetime.

Joseph persevered through several character building tests.  Have you ever experienced any of these?  Maybe you are in one right now?  Many of these tests relate directly to our identity.  Whose we are?  Who do we belong to?  And who we are - who are we called to be?

Insecurity is a root that will steal our identity.  The seed of insecurity will grow false humility, pride and self righteousness.  Matthew 12:34 & Matthew 15:18 says that whatever is in our heart determines what we say. Be self reflective in how you speak about yourself.  How do you speak about others?  How do you speak about the plans/dreams/ministry God has placed on your heart?  Does this reveal any insecurities?  Joseph started out quite prideful about the dreams God had given him.  God dealt with the pride in Joseph through a series of events.  How does God deal with the insecurity (or pride) in your life?

Sometimes through our own choices and sometimes through the choices of others, we may find ourselves in the pit.  As I reflect back on 2021 (so far) and 2020, I definitely had moments of feeling like I was in the pit.  But Psalms 119:71 states, “My suffering was good for me, for it taught me to pay attention to your decrees.”  Did your time of hardship, discomfort and “pit dwelling” bring you closer to God?  Psalms 23:4 says that even when we walk through those valleys, we are not afraid because God is with us.  I’ve always said that I appreciate that the bible decrees that we walk THROUGH the valleys, we do not set up camp there.  The pit test reminds me of Romans 8:28 stating that God CAUSES EVERYTHING to work together for our good.  When I know that I belong to God and I know the purpose He has for my life, I can stand firm in Romans 8:28 during the “pit” times of life.  Hardship, whether self inflicted or done to me, doesn’t sway my identity.

Joseph had a palace test..  Joseph was surrounded by wealth and by temptation.  But Joseph had endured (& emerged victorious) through pride and the pit.  So during the palace test Joseph chose to honor God and God prospered him.  Salvation comes by grace and blessing comes through obedience.  It can be hard to obey when it feels like the world is crumbling around us.  But that is where the Christ Follower looks different from the unbeliever.  We may endure the same circumstance, but the hope is that we shine the light of Jesus through our circumstances.  We carry the presence of God through our pain and our mess.  Throughout Joseph’s story his perseverance was tested.  God developed his character through the things that he endured.  God does the same for us.  Character is not only how we act, but it’s also how we react.  Joseph did the right thing and suffered wrong results.  Have you ever had that happen?  But at this point in Joseph’s story he responded with a right heart.  

The mess, the pain and the shaping of our character are hard.  All of this is so we share the gospel with others.  We are called to love people.  Loving people often means we must walk beside them through their mess and their pain.  God will partner with us and with them.

 Call to Action

Take time this week to pray, read and reflect on the following scriptures.

Psalm 94:17-19

Psalm 34:17-19

John 14:26-27

Deuteronomy 11:26-28

Romans 10:17

Romans 5:3-5

James 1:2-3

John 16:33


  1. Why is it so important for our identity to be in Christ?  Why shouldn’t our identity be in what we do?

  2. What are some of the various ways God comforts you when you cry out to Him?

  3. How does understanding Romans 8:28 affect your perspective concerning your failures, mistakes, difficulties or unfair circumstances in your life?

  4. What trial or test are you dealing with right now in which you need to develop perseverance?

This was a powerful video show during the service.  Take a look and then spend some time in prayer asking God how it applies to you personally.  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3QCkBL2DfVg




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